Registration for Interested Young Professionals

Young Professionals Qualifications and Registration

The Young Professionals Career Engagement Program is divided into two sub-programs. Please consider which of these programs you would like to participate in:

Introduction to a Professional Program – Open to all individuals ages 16-30 who have an interest in pursuing an education or a career in a chosen field or vocation. This program utilizes a network of successful professionals that are willing to provide you with an introduction to that profession and summarize the education and skills required to be successful in that profession. These professionals are willing to provide you with an introduction to that profession and summarize the education and skills required to be successful in that profession. You will be connected with a professional in your career field of interest. You will schedule an in-person informational interview with the professional. Please enter your information in the registration form below.

Young Professionals Career Coaching Program – A formal coaching relationship utilizing the assistance of trained Career Coaches who are experienced professionals working in a variety of professional and vocational occupations. You will be paired with a Career Coach who will provide one-on-one coaching to help you to jumpstart a successful career. Formal coaching is available only to those Young Professionals who have registered and met the requirements of the program. You must be at least a junior in college or have successfully completed the majority of your vocational educational training. The purpose of this program is to (1) teach you job search skills training in group and one-on-one settings (2) prepare you for job or informational interviews and (3) connect you with professionals in your career field of interest. Type in your thoughts in the short essay section of the registration form below.

Enter only if applicable
Please explain what interests you about this field.
Browse your resume to upload
In 50 words or less, please tell us about your career aspirations and how you believe this program will help you to achieve them.
By signing (typing your legal name) in the space below, you are certifying that all the information contained in this application is correct and truthful. * Note: After registration, you will be contacted by the program administrator. Every effort will be made to match you with a Career Coach that has experience in your career field of interest.