
Education & Training

YP: Questions to Ask Your Coach

  • What is the best way for me to get on-the-job training if my career doesn’t require college education? Why would a college degree help me if it isn’t required?
  • How did you finance your education? What do you wish you had done differently?
  • If you got a scholarship what do you recall about the application process?
  • Where would you suggest I work while going to school that would understand the demands of classes or give me useful experience?
  • How can I explain to my parents the cost of my education and discuss providing partial support while I go to school, such as just paying for books or lab fees?
  • What goals should I set while in school that will help me when I begin my career?

Coach: Questions to Ask Your YP

  • If you were able to complete your education in your twenties, how would that help you develop your career and improve your income?
  • What did you learn from your research at the Occupational Outlook Handbook about the education requirements of your career? What did you learn about the salary?
  • What schools have you considered for your education? Do you know how much each will cost?