
Discovering your Career

YP: Questions to Ask Your Coach

  • How can I find my passion when I have many interests or if I don’t know what I want to do?
  • Why do I need to choose a career now? Why can’t I keep working and find a career later?
  • During difficult times in life, what steps have you taken to overcome obstacles?
  • How have you dealt with setbacks in your career?
  • As a Return Missionary, how can I maintain my momentum while going to school or starting my career?
  • How can I apply the skills I learned as a missionary while in school or at work?
  • How should I use the information from a career assessment or career opportunities I see on the internet to help me find my career?

Coach: Questions to Ask Your YP

  • Have you completed a career assessment? What did you learn from it? YPs can check with their school’s counseling center or career center to see if they offer it.
  • What career options are you currently exploring?
  • Have you researched online the growth projections and average salary for professions that interest you? (The Occupational Outlook Handbook is a great online resource.)
  • Can we talk about how much your education will cost and how it will affect what you earn when you work in that field?
  • Would you be interested in talking to someone for an informational interview in the professions that most interest you?
  • Would you be interested in an internship, even if it did not pay?